Carrie Barkley's Story
Carrie Barkley's story.
Carrie is from Dublin, visited Belfast as member of Girls Auxiliary Executive and Irish Council of Churches in 1960s; appointed Sunday School Advisor of the Presbyterian Church in 1960s; memories of Sunday night meetings in Rays house; visiting Ballycastle Centre house before purchased; friendship with Rays sister, Beth; memory of time after purchase of Centre; shock at attitudes in Northern Ireland in 1960s; Rays call for reconciliation; practical work preparing centre; value of Catholics and Protestants meeting; surprise at Protestants who didn’t attend church; involvement in and impact of family weeks; Grand opening of Ballycastle Centre with Tullio Vinay; impact of the Troubles on people coming to the Centre; involvement in plannning for Summerfests and memories of the sharing groups; experiencing new ways of worship at Corrymeela and relevance for her work with Sunday School teachers; impact on her of practical care at Centre for people with disabilities; personal challenge of meeting gay and lesbian young people at Centre and memory of wise advice from John Morrow; key importance to Carrie of Christian ethos of Corrymeela and her difficulty with volunteers with no experience of Church; being at Centre in recent years as ‘presence’; willingness to share Corrymeela experience in local church; summary of Carries background as a Protestant from Dublin, comfortable with all Church groups but struggle with others outside her experience; importance of Corrymeela for Carrie and her life and work. Carrie was a member of Corrymeela until her death in?